Gefahrgut-Lager; Gefahrgut; Lager; Lagerung; ADR-Lagerung; ADR dangerous goods; ADR storage; transport; adr-transport; Gefahrstofflager; Gefahrgutlogistik; warehousing

Hazardous materials warehousing

Lagermax owns a hazardous materials warehouse in Salzburg that fulfils international standards.

Optimal storage guaranteed.

A dedicated hazardous materials officer handles operation and control.  Lagermax
offers customised solutions in the field of hazardous materials logistics.

Your benefits.

  • Each box forms a separate fire compartment with automatic fire doors.
  • The floor of the individual hazardous materials boxes is designed as a basin with special drain to a 5,000 l container in the basement.
  • Special accesses for rescue workers are located at an easily-accessible building facade.
  • Blowback flaps on doors, which spring open in an explosion to divert the pressure.
  • All shelves are earthed to prevent the buildup of static electricity.
  • Connections for the fire department to introduce the proper extinguishing agent are located outside the building.
  • Distribution of the extinguishing agent to the boxes through foaming system.
  • All electrical devices are ex-protected.
  • Special ADR training for responsible employees.
  • A dedicated hazardous materials officer is exclusively assigned as a specialist for the operation and monitoring of the warehouse and goods movements.

Your contact for hazardous materials warehousing

Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH
Bernhard Osond

Radingerstraße 16 | 5020 Salzburg

T. +43 662 40902108

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