Man sieht einen LKW der mit Gefahrenhinweisschildern versehen ist

Hazardous materials transport

Shipped safely, delivered reliably. Lagermax is your specialist for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Moving hazardous materials requires specialist knowledge. 

From the handover of hazardous (ADR) goods to the actual transport and the securing of the load, our hazardous materials specialists assist with the labelling requirements and the documentation of hazardous materials.

Regular trainings and our in-house training of our employees ensure a seamless transport of hazardous materials. 

You have questions about transporting hazardous goods?

Our logistics specialists will be happy to advise you.

Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH
Lukas Hummer

Radingerstraße 16 | 5020 Salzburg

T. +43 662 40902290 | M. +43 676 889 39 506

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Customised solutions for hazardous materials logistics. 
Hazardous materials warehousing
Gefahrgut-Lager; Gefahrgut; Lager; Lagerung; ADR-Lagerung; ADR dangerous goods; ADR storage; transport; adr-transport; Gefahrstofflager; Gefahrgutlogistik; warehousing
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