Logistics center Premstätten (Styria)

4,130 m² high-bay warehouse | 200 m² storage area for lithium-ion batteries

Equipment of the modern logistics center Premstätten from 2025.

  • High-bay warehouse: 4,130 m² with   11 m height
  • Handling warehouse: 3,000 m²
  • Mezzanine for small parts: 3,200 m²
  • Lithium-ion warehouse: 200 m²
  • Storage areas with pallet high racks for approx. 6,000 pallet spaces
  • 23 parking lots for local transport vehicles
  • Complete storage area equipped with ceiling or shelf sprinkler system 
  • Alarm-secured facility by means of fencing, electronic access system, guard service and state-of-the-art fire alarm system
  • 24/5 operation
  • AEO certified
  • 9 docking gates for trucks
Economical & Ecological

Sustainable logistics.

  • Concrete core activation as an energy-efficient form of room temperature control 
  • E-charging stations for trucks and cars  
  • Sustainable photovoltaic technology on the entire roof surface
  • Heat pump

Your contact for the new logistics center in Premstätten.

Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH

Herr Alexander Slovak

Industriestraße 30
8141 Premstätten, Österreich

T: +43 (0) 1 760302844

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