Portrait von zwei Lagermax-Mitarbeitern an den Bahnschienen im Querformat

Rail transport

Rail transport is a cost-effective, reliable and environmentally friendly alternative for the transportation of your goods. 

When you’ve got the time.

Unhindered by traffic issues or weather events, rail transport is a good alternative to truck transport for goods whose arrival is not urgent. Rail transport is particularly suited for large volumes, heavy goods, bulk goods or liquids and gases. 

The exact transport planning is ensured through detailed schedules including departure and arrival times.

Automotive Logistics | Cargoclix Login

At our locations in Straßwalchen, Vienna and Sollenau, we use the Cargoclix time slot booking system for the unloading process.

You can find more information on the initial registration or login in the operating instructions for freight forwarders. 


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Info & Contact

Mr. Stefan Ebelsberger
E: stefan.ebelsberger@lagermax.com 
T: +43 664 / 8452895

Your benefits at a glance.

  • Low freight costs for large quantities
  • On-schedule delivery
  • Environmentally friendly & Reduced carbon footprint 
  • Combined road and rail transport

Your contact for rail transport.

Our logistics specialists will be happy to advise you and prepare your individual offer.

Lagermax Logistics Austria GmbH
Lukas Hummer

Radingerstraße 16 | 5020 Salzburg

T. +43 66240902290 | M. +43 676 889 39 506

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Security is our highest priority.
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Ein Lagermax Mitarbeiter mit Glatze und Bart im Hochformat
Customs clearance
Our customs specialists handle all the necessary formalities.
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Zwei Lagermax Arbeiter stehen mit einer Arbeitsmappe zusammen und der rechte Mitarbeiter zeigt auf die Mappe.